HoJos Antics

The rather precarious and peculiar adventures of Hoby and Jojo

Christmas at the Smith House, Jo’s Perspective

Christmas day has come and gone, even though the reason for celebrating cannot be contained in a single season of the year. Christ being born as a human and  becoming the sacrifice for our sins, is reason for celebration all year long or rather all eternity long.  (more…)

Biscuit’s Walk Around the Lake

Clement Park is just one of several parks in our area of Littleton and provides a variety of outdoor activities.  It also encompasses a locally popular, small lake called Johnson Reservoir.  The other day, Biscuit and I decided to go for a walk around the reservoir.  Actually, it was I who decided.  Biscuit was just along for the ride and a walk is always good in her book.  The weather has been relatively warm and sunny here on the Front Range.  Go figure.  (more…)